
The No Waste Approach to Facebook Ads

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How to Manage Facebook Ads – 3 Key Metrics


3 Key Metrics to Manage Facebook Ads..why you should know about them. We all heard hundreds of times how important a good Click-Through rate is. But are you sure that’s a relevant metric? We already said it other times [our previous post about Facebook Advertising Strategy]: it’s hard to manage facebook ads. Designing the ad is just the beginning. So what do you need to know and measure to ensure...

Facebook Ads Manager Software


You open your Facebook Ads manager software and before starting you wonder: How much will my ad cost? And the fact is that there is no straight answer to this question. Why? Because of the very nature of Facebook advertising system. Here’s what I mean: Facebook Ads are not based on a static transactional system (ie. I give you my money in exchange of an Ad impression). It’s a bid-based system...

Setting up The Ad Manager on Facebook in Simple Steps


This article is the second part of our deep dive to understand what drives Facebook costs. The goal? To master the Ad manager on Facebook and increase your ROI. You can find the first post here about Facebook Ads Manager software. What would it mean for you if you could spend less to obtain better results? By understanding how the system behind the ad manager on Facebook works, you can achieve...

Campaigns’ Objectives in Ads manager Facebook loves


Campaigns’ Objectives in Ads manager Facebook loves… Have you ever wondered if Facebook is on your side? I mean, as a marketer, is FB an enemy we need to trick, or a friendly guide we should trust? Probably neither of the two. Clearly, Facebook is a company and not a charity, and they must rightfully protect their interests. So don’t expect them to run your campaigns for you, or show your ads to...

The No Waste Approach to Facebook Ads